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Adult Education Advice Event | Tuesday 16 July | 4.30-6.30pm
Image of two men in overalls working on a car engine.

Developing your future talent

Apprenticeships, work placements and working together to upskill the talent of the future.


Are you looking to hire an apprentice? Find out everything you need to know and speak to our specialist team today.

Find out more about apprenticeships

T Levels

Support the workforce of the future by either offering 315 hours industry placement, or by working with us to shape the curriculum and decide on what skills our students need to learn.

Find out more about T Levels

Work and industry placements

Help us to grow the next generation of workers by giving our students the opportunity to experience industry first-hand.

Find out more about work placements

Supported internships

Supporting young people with a disability or complex learning need into paid employment, supported internships allow learners to gain confidence and employability skills ready for the workplace.

Find out more about supported internships

Jobcentre Plus Programmes

We work with Jobcentre Plus to understand the current jobs market and determine where organisations have vacancies suitable for individuals who are currently out of work and wish to get a foothold into certain industries.

We'll work closely with you to ask what kind of skills your business needs within certain areas and we'll design this training to fit your recruitment shortfalls.

Enquire now

Lets's get started

Interested in knowing more about how we can help develop your future talent?

Contact us

Why choose West Notts?

The number 96.2% written in a circle

96.2% A Level pass rate in 2022.

An icon of a tick and checkbox in a circle

One of the top colleges in the UK for student satisfaction.**Learner Exit Survey 2019/20

An icon of a bus in a circle

We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

An icon of a building in a circle

We have four campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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