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Course guides

Course guides

Whatever you’re looking to do at Vision West Nottinghamshire College, you’ll find it in one of our college course guides.

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Whether you’re looking to study full-time, part-time, are returning to education as an adult or simply wanting to learn a new skill and turn it into a hobby, you’ll find it all here.

16+ Course Guide
16+ Course Guide
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Adult Education Course Guide
Adult Education Course Guide
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Adult Courses - What's On June/July 2024
Adult Courses - What's On June/July 2024
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A Level Course Guide
A Level Course Guide
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Apprenticeship Pocket Guide
Apprenticeship Pocket Guide
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Access to University Courses
Access to University Courses
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Why choose West Notts?

The number 96.2% written in a circle

96.2% A Level pass rate in 2022.

An icon of a tick and checkbox in a circle

One of the top colleges in the UK for student satisfaction.**Learner Exit Survey 2019/20

An icon of a bus in a circle

We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

An icon of a building in a circle

We have four campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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