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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm

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Welcome hospitality and catering applicants!

You have made a great decision choosing West Notts!

Guided campus tour

Get a glimpse into the facilities you will be using as a hospitality and catering student at West Notts College.

What our students say

Level 2 student Lauren gives insight into the course, explaining her favourite aspects as well as giving some tips for individuals who may be interested in enrolling on the course.

Having progressed from level 2 to level 3, Kiara talks to us about her experience in the Hospitality and Catering sector. She highlights the opportunities working in our Refined restaurant has presented, as well as the guests college has hosted and her plans for the future.

Meet the teachers

Get to know to know a bit more about your teachers before you join us.

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    Kit list

    Find out what equipment and resources you'll need before you join as a West Notts student.

    Download kit list


FAQs - hospitality and catering courses

The following information will hopefully give you a little bit more of an insight into what it will be like to be a student with us.

  • Where will I study?

    All of our hospitality and catering courses are based at our Derby Road campus, Mansfield, which has an on-site fine dining restaurant that is open to the public.

  • What is it like?

    The college is a professional, adult environment intended to prepare you to work in your chosen industry. As such, we expect students’ behaviour to reflect the world of work. Attendance and punctuality are crucial in the hospitality and catering industry so that the team can be as effective as possible. Our kitchens contain equipment and tools that can be dangerous if not used properly so very high standards of behaviour are also expected.

  • What will I study?

    You will study through a mixture of practical sessions and classroom learning. In kitchens and restaurants you will spend a lot of time standing. Level 1 learning is very project-based, while level 2 study has a much greater emphasis on practical skills. Level 3 learning tends to be more academic-based.

  • What about English and maths?

    If you start at college and you haven’t yet achieved your English and maths GCSEs at grade 4 or above, then you will continue to study these alongside your chosen course. At the end of your first year you will take a re-sit GCSE exam. It is important you attend your English and maths lessons alongside your chosen course.

    Take a look at our fact sheets to find out why English and maths is important within this industry.

    View English and maths fact sheets

  • What will I have to wear?

    Students will be asked to wear a uniform in the restaurant, and kitchen whites and safety shoes in the kitchen. These will need to be purchased. If you are working front-of-house you will be in a customer-facing role so high levels of personal presentation will be required. Personal hygiene is our top priority – the wearing of jewellery and make-up is to be kept to a minimum, and nail polish or false nails will not be allowed. In the classroom you are able to wear whatever you like as long as it’s appropriate and isn’t offensive.

  • Will I have to do a work placement?

    At levels 2 and 3 students would be expected to complete a work placement. This is a great way of getting your foot in the door with an employer. Many of our students already have part-time jobs in the sector that can count towards work placement hours.

    All of our students will be able to also get engaged with our learning companies, which provide in-house opportunities to gain real-world experience. This year students are providing a take-away service for college staff!

Not answered your question? Then ask your teacher

Send your questions to your teachers using our simple online form.

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Why choose West Notts?

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Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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