Physical disabilities
Advice and support for learners of Vision West Nottinghamshire College with physical disabilities and complex needs
The physical disabilities and complex needs support team provide support for students who have physical disabilities and/or medical needs.
The college is committed to supporting learners with medical needs in attending the college and achieving their learning aims. However the college is not able to accept responsibility for college staff giving learners prescribed medication, with the exception of medication for a severe allergic reaction e.g. use of Epipen. For the purpose of this procedure a medical condition will be defined as conditions whereby a student is not able to self-medicate. For further guidance please see Supporting Learners with Medical Needs Procedure available on the college website.
A physical disability is any condition that may affect movement, temporary or permanent, or any condition that may require a person to have regular breaks from studying.
The physical disability may not be visible and may not affect learning. The team can offer the following support:
- A trained member of staff to assist you with physical support and/or personal care needs both inside and outside the classroom.
- Provide specialist support through links with the physical disability support Service
- Regular staff training in moving and handling people with disabilities and use of assistive technology i.e. communication aids
- Communication support for learners using assistive technology
- Support for learners’ social interaction and promotion of independence
- Individual support for complex physical disabilities
- Individual support plan including intimate or personal care
- Support, advice and guidance to learners and staff regarding mobility and access for visits and residentials
- Links to organisations that may be able to help.