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Adult Education Advice Event | Tuesday 16 July | 4.30-6.30pm

D/deaf or hearing loss

The D/deaf or Hearing Loss Support Team can provide advice, support, information and guidance for any students at Vision West Nottinghamshire College who are deaf or have a hearing loss.

Hearing loss can range from mild, moderate, severe to profound deafness.

  • It is estimated that approximately 9 million people (1 in 7 of the population) have a hearing loss.
  • Over 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents.
  • Approximately 50,000 deaf people in the UK use British Sign Language as their first/preferred language.

What kinds of support can the D/deaf or hearing loss team offer?

The support team can offer students a wide range of services including:

  • Support during admissions, interview and induction procedures.
  • Trained and experienced Communication Support Workers (CSW).
  • Support from a specialist teacher of the deaf.
  • Communication in British Sign Language and Sign Supported English.
  • Total communication (a combination of lip speaking, signing and note taking, depending on individual needs).
  • Adaptation of materials i.e. language modification, transcriptions.
  • Technical aids i.e. radio aids, personal loops.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Peer group of D/deaf learners and social activities.
  • Training for your teachers in deaf awareness and BSL.
  • Cross college deaf awareness sessions offered to raise awareness and understanding.
  • Support in exams and with Special Exam Consideration applications.
  • Support for transition in and out of college.

The team are proud of their strong links with local deaf communities and national organisations.

  • Young woman writing a letter

    Angel Stevens - what it feels like being deaf

    Angel studied here at West Notts and wanted to share this letter about their experience at college.

    Read Angel's letter

Why choose West Notts?

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96.2% A Level pass rate in 2022.

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One of the top colleges in the UK for student satisfaction.**Learner Exit Survey 2019/20

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have four campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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