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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm

Photo of a young woman giving advice to a male student.

Student support and services

As a student you’ll have access to a range of services across college, to help you best navigate student life. Our dedicated support teams can also offer personalised support about everything from careers and finance, to health and wellbeing.

  • Getting to college

    We want you to get to college as easily, conveniently and cheaply as possible. Visit the getting to college page for advice and guidance on using the various transport options available.

  • West Notts College Travel Pass

    Visit the West Notts College Travel Pass page to find out more about our flexible and cost-effective travel pass available to all students and apprentices.

  • Additional learning support

    The college provides a number of services to students who may need additional help during their studies. If you or your child has a disability, visit the Additional Learning Support page for more information about how we can help.

    Contact the team

  • Careers and employability team

    Our fully-qualified professional advisors offer advice and guidance relating to careers including CV writing, interview skills, help with university applications and searching for jobs. Visit the careers advice page for more information.

    Contact the team

  • Financial support

    Studying with us is more affordable than you think. Students have access to a wide variety of financial support to help them fund their course. Take a look at our financial support page to find out more about your eligibility.

    Contact the team

  • The Student Welfare Team

    The team is here to help students overcome barriers that are preventing them progressing in their course and also in their personal life. By providing bespoke and targeted support to meet the needs of the student. Visit the student welfare team page for more information.

    Contact the team

  • Work placements

    Completing a meaningful work placement is an essential part of your study programme. It is important to develop the skills needed for your eventual chosen career. The work placement team is available to support and guide you on your journey into the world of work.

    Contact the team

  • Career coach

    Visit our new career coach website to discover courses and in-demand careers and education based on your interests! Browse careers, take a career assessment and build your CV.

  • Supporting care experienced young people

    The college is committed to providing excellent support for young people who are care experienced. Primary support comes from our welfare team through support coaches, but we also work in close partnership with other agencies to ensure that all our young people have the best possible chance of success and go on to meaningful and positive destinations.

    For more information, please visit the supporting care experienced young people page.

  • Wellbeing Centre

    West Notts' Wellbeing Centre is a welcoming space exclusively for students wishing to access additional support for mental health, during their time at college.

  • Learning resource centres (LRC)

    All of our campuses have an LRC providing books, DVDs, journals and magazines, along with computers for college work or internet access. Specialist software is also available for those with learning needs and the friendly team at the LRC can provide support with research or accessing information.

    Contact the team

Support & services at West Notts

Why choose West Notts?

An icon of a handshake in a circle

Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

An icon of two hands holding a heart in a circle

Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

An icon of a bus in a circle

We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

An icon of a building in a circle

We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

An icon of a book in a circle

We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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