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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


You may qualify for the Advanced Learner Loan to help pay for your course tuition fees.

This scheme has been introduced by the government to help adult learners aged 19+ study qualifications at Level 3 and above that will improve their employability and develop high-level skills and knowledge.

The availability of loans at Level 3 does not replace an individual aged 19-23’s legal entitlement to full funding for a first full Level 3 course.

Access to Higher Education courses

Student Finance England will ‘write off’ any outstanding Advanced Learner Loan balances you owe for an Access to Higher Education course once you complete a higher education course. This means you do not have to repay it.

The higher education course must be eligible for student finance.

If you made extra repayments towards your Advanced Learner Loan before starting a Higher Education course, these repayments are non-refundable.

Advanced Learner Loans explained

Did you know?

Student Finance England have produced this video which explains the Advanced Learner Loan.

Frequently asked questions

  • Am I eligible?

    To be eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan you must:

    • be aged 19+ at the start of your course
    • be studying an eligible course at Levels 3*, 4, 5 or 6. Including QCF Certificates and Diplomas, Access to Higher Education, A Levels (maximum of four), Advanced and Higher apprenticeships.
    • be a UK resident (meeting Student Finance England nationality or residency status)

    * Not all Level 3 qualifications are eligible for this exemption. Please contact us for more information 0808 100 3626.

  • When can I apply?

    You can apply once you have received your ‘Learning and Funding Information Letter’ from college, which gives you the information you will need to apply for the loan.

    You will also be required to provide personal information.

    Further information is available on the website or you can contact Student Finance England online or call 0300 100 0607.

  • How do I apply?

    The easiest way is to apply online or you can download an application form to complete and send back to Student Finance England.

    Before applying you may wish to seek advice from the following sources:

  • How much can I borrow?

    The Skills Funding Agency determines the maximum loan amount for each qualification it funds.

    In some cases there may be a shortfall which you will have to pay if the cost of the course exceeds the maximum loan amount.

    This information will be in your 'Learning and Funding Information Letter'.

    The minimum amount you can borrow is £300.

  • Can I get additional financial support?

    Find out more by visiting our financial support for adult learners page.

  • How many loans can I take out?

    You can apply for up to 4 loans and you can get more than one at the same time.

    You can apply for another loan to take the same level of a course, for example the same level qualification in History if you’ve already had a loan for the same level in Maths.

    You can only apply once for an Access to Higher Education course.

  • How do I repay the loan?

    You won’t have to pay anything back until you are earning over £25,000 a year, and the loan will be written off after 30 years. Interest on the loan will be at the rate set by the Student Loans Company which will be lower than anything available from the high street.

    Learners who take out an Advanced Learner Loan for an Access to Higher Education course may be able to get the balance of the loan written off after completing a designated and prescribed higher education course.

    Further information is available at .

  • How do I find out more?

    More information on the Advanced Learner Loan is available on the government website .

Get in touch

Personalised advice on the Advanced Learner Loan

Take the next step by completing our online enquiry form. Our dedicated team will reach out to you, guiding you through all the eligible courses and any other financial support options avaiable.

Ask online

or call us on 0808 100 3626.

Learn more

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