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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


BTEC National Diploma in Uniformed Protective Services - Level 3


Take the first step towards a leadership career in the uniformed protective services.

This course is designed for individuals passionate about serving their communities and pursuing leadership roles within uniformed protective services such as:  

  • Police, Fire, and Ambulance Services.
  • Armed forces (Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Air Force).
  • Prison Service, HM Customs and Excise, Merchant Navy.
  • Security Organisations.

Real-world employer connections

  • Armed Forces Engagement Teams regularly organise activity days.  
  • Guest speaker from the Police share invaluable insights.  
  • Visits to local services, such as Mansfield Fire Station.  
  • Links to further opportunities, including the Ambulance Technician course at Nottingham Trent University.  

Specialist facilities

  • Train like the professionals in our state-of-the-art outdoor gym. Equipped to military standards including dip bars, jump platforms, pull-up and muscle bars, climbing ropes and battle ropes  
  • This fitness equipment, identical to that used by UK and US military forces, is designed to help you meet the physical demands of a protective services career. 

What our students say

Many of our students have gone on to successful careers in the Armed Forces, Police Force, Fire and Rescue Service, and Ambulance Services. This is what they had to say about studying at West Notts College.

"There are loads of practical activities, whether it is doing fitness at the gym, doing leadership tasks outside, or going out to the local fire station for practical demonstrations."

"We get to do some great trips out, like going to put into practice our mountaineering skills in the Peak District, going to the National Memorial Arboretum to pay our respects, or visiting local Police, Fire, and Military establishments."

"This course helps develop your independence, as well as your ability to work well in a group, or take on leadership roles."

"It sets you up for the career that you want, the staff put you in contact with the service you want to join and support your development in preparing for that career."

Start dates and fees

Start DateCodeAnnual Fee (Age)Actions
16-18over 19
Sep 20251412A1021FREEFREE* to £1987.00Apply

* If you are aged 19-23 (as of 31 August 2025) and studying your first Level 3 course then that course may be free. Please contact us for more details. If you are aged 19 or over and either studying a second Level 3 course or qualifying Level 4, 5 or 6 course you may be able to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover the costs.

What will I study?

Year one

  • Citizenship and diversity.
  • Behaviour and discipline in the uniformed protective services.
  • Physical preparation, health and wellbeing.
  • Expedition skills.

Year two

  • Teamwork, leadership and communication in the uniformed protective services.
  • Government and the protective services.
  • Developing personal fitness programmes.
  • Professional development in the uniformed protective services.

Entry requirements

This course is only available to 16-18 year olds.

  • Four GCSEs at grade 4-9 including English Language or Maths.

Study programmes - essential skills for employment

If you’re aged 16-18 (or 19-25 with an EHC Plan), we want to make sure you have the best possible chances of landing an awesome job once you finish college.

Therefore, if you do not have GCSE grade 4-9 in either English Language or Maths, you will study one or both of these courses alongside your full-time study programme. If you do have GCSE grade 4-9 in English Language and Maths then you will not be required to undertake these subjects. By doing so, you'll be building a stronger set of skills that will significantly boost your employability in the future.

Think of it as a chance to supercharge your knowledge and abilities. You'll be equipped with the tools necessary to tackle the world beyond college with confidence. Plus, we'll be right here to support you every step of the way.

How long is the course?

Two years

How will I be assessed?

  • Mostly assignment-based work with one exam in the first year and one exam in the second year.

What can I progress onto?

*As we are a partner college of Nottingham Trent University (NTU), you may qualify for various benefits should you choose to apply to NTU after completing your college course. This could include a Progress NTU offer, where you would receive an offer one grade below their standard offer. For instance, a typical offer for one of their courses might require 128 UCAS tariff points. With Progress NTU, your requirements would be 120 UCAS tariff points. For further details, please call us on 0808 100 3626 or discover more about this benefit here.

Career opportunities

How do I apply?

Apply online

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Why choose West Notts?

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Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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