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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Still at school?

Still at school and considering an apprenticeship? Start your journey to becoming an apprentice by following the steps below.

Steps to becoming an apprentice

Step 1. Register your interest early by clicking on the button below

Register your interest

When we receive your details, we will send you an email to confirm we have them.

Step 2. Let’s get started

We will contact you towards the end of your final year in school. We will create your personal record and ask you for details such as emergency contact details and National Insurance number. We will also discuss your GCSE results/predicted results and any additional support you may need.

You will then need to attend a functional skills assessment in maths and English. Don't worry, this is not a test. It's simply so we can recognise where you might have weaknesses and, as part of your apprenticeship, help you to improve in those areas. During this assessment, you will also build your candidate profile which is a little like a CV and is what we use to present you as a potential candidate to local employers.

From here we will determine if any support is needed and offer advice and guidance on how to improve your chances of successfully securing an apprenticeship.

Step 3. Time to apply

Now that you have created a profile that highlights your skills and abilities, it’s time to share it with employers. You will need to regularly check our website and the government website for vacancies that appeal to you. Applying for them is nice and simple, in fact it’s just the click of a button in most cases. There may be vacancies that ask you to answer specific role related questions, you should always take your time on these questions as your answers could make your application stand out among the many others received.

To help you along, when you have completed step 1 and step 2 and we know exactly what you are looking for, we will share new vacancies with you too, sometimes before they are even go live on the websites.

Step 4. Sell yourself at your interview

Attending an interview with an employer is the first step to success as it means that something on your profile has sparked their interest. Attending an interview can be daunting but if you prepare well, it’s a great opportunity to hear more about the role and give the employer more information about yourself. Most employers understand that interviewing for an apprenticeship causes a degree of anxiety, and they adapt their interview style to ensure they make you feel as comfortable as they can.

We will always try to gather valuable feedback, so that you can grow from each experience. Competition for apprenticeships is always very high, so it’s important for you not to give up and to keep trying.

Step 5. Accept the offer that suits you best

All your hard work and investment has paid off and an employer wants to offer you an apprenticeship. Congratulations! Consider the offer, talk it over at home and make the right decision for you. Think about the role on offer and the commitment to the apprenticeship. Ask lots of questions to ensure the decision is the right one for you.

Perhaps you already know who will employ you when you leave school, maybe you will be joining the family business, or you have completed a work placement and been offered an apprenticeship. If this is the case, we would love to hear from you to help you organise the apprenticeship training aspect.

Important information when applying for apprenticeships

Each apprenticeship has its own set of entry requirements. These revolve around your existing maths and English results/abilities and the type of role you secure as an apprentice. If you do not meet the entry requirements, there are steps we can put in place to help you to achieve these, it might just add a little extra time to the journey.

Apprenticeship recruitment is highly competitive, so you may have to attend several interviews before securing a position. We always recommend that you have a plan B and apply for a college course too.

During the recruitment process, we do not share your personal details with any employers. This means that we will be your only point of contact. Your details are only shared with an employer upon acceptance of an apprenticeship position and only then, with your permission.

Why choose West Notts?

An icon of a handshake in a circle

Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

An icon of a bus in a circle

We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

An icon of a building in a circle

We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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