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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm



The roles and objectives of our committees and minutes of their most recent board meetings.

Audit Committee

The objective of the Audit Committee is to advise the Corporation Board on the college’s systems of internal control, risk management and (corporate) governance arrangements.

The scope of the Committee’s work includes working to continuously improve the effectiveness of the college’s internal controls and increasing public confidence in the objectivity and fairness of the Corporation’s financial reports and in the quality of the college’s overall corporate governance.

The Committee also advises the Corporation Board of the Corporation on the appointments of the college’s internal and financial statements auditors.

The work of the Audit Committee is undertaken through a schedule of reviews covering such as the college’s financial statements, the way in which the financial management process operates, student record information, franchising, and a range of other areas.

Click the following link for a full copy of the Audit Committee Terms of Reference.

Take a look at the minutes of our most recent board meetings.

View minutes

Finance & Estates Committee

The role of the Finance & Estates Committee is to monitor the financial position of the college. The Committee meets bi-monthly to undertake this review.

In addition, the remit of the Committee extends to:

  • Advising the Corporation Board on the annual budget and year-end accounts
  • Making recommendation to the Corporation Board on capital expenditure, investments and borrowing
  • Reviewing the college’s franchise arrangements
  • Setting tuition fees

Click the following link for a full copy of the Finance, Resources & Estates Committee Terms of Reference.

Take a look at the minutes of our most recent board meetings.

View minutes

Standards Committee

The objective of the Standards Committee is to advise the Corporation Board on matters of quality and standards.

The scope of the Committee's work includes a regular review of improvement strategies put in place, results achieved, verification processes, complaints and matters of discipline.

The Committee also advises the Corporation Board of the Corporation on the college’s annual self-assessment report and the performance of the college against national benchmarks.

The work of the Standards Committee is undertaken through a schedule of target setting and monitoring which covers all matters set out in the Terms of Reference.

Click the following link for a full copy of the Standards Committee Terms of Reference.

Take a look at the minutes of our most recent board meetings.

View minutes

Workplace Development Committee

The Workforce Development Committee advises the Corporation Board on matters relating to staffing and covers issues such as Gender Pay Gap and Public Sector Equality Duty reporting and staff training and development, and it also considers data and policies as these relate to the college’s workforce. This small committee, which includes several staff members, meets three times per year.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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