Team Leader/Supervisor - Professional Advanced Apprenticeship - Level 3
Important information
The following information is simply detailing the apprenticeship training course and is not a live vacancy to apply for. Please click the link below to view our current apprenticeship vacancies.
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This is a professional apprenticeship aimed at aspiring or existing team leaders who may already have gained practical experience but wish to further develop their theoretical understanding of management skills.
A team leader/supervisor is a first-line management role responsible for managing a team to deliver a clearly defined outcome. This person will provide direction, instruction and guidance to ensure the achievement of set goals.
Start dates and fees
The apprenticeship programme can begin at any time of the year. This might be in line with your start date of employment or perhaps a review with your employer where your development is discussed.
Government funding may be available to your employer to help fund this apprenticeship, alternatively your employer may have apprenticeship levy funds available.
For more information about apprenticeships including our current vacancies, please visit our apprenticeship page.
What will I study?
The course will cover the following units:
- Managing Own Personal and Professional Development
- Principles of Management and Leadership
- Managing a Team to Achieve Results
- Building Stakeholder Relationships using Effective Communication
- Contributing to the Delivery of a Project
- Managing Daily Activities to Achieve Results
- Managing Budgets and Resources
- Managing Data and Information
Entry requirements
Five GCSEs at grade 4/C or above. Apprentices without Level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the end point assessment.
Study programmes - essential skills for employment
If you’re aged 16-18 (or 19-25 with an EHC Plan), we want to make sure you have the best possible chances of landing an awesome job once you finish college.
Therefore, if you do not have GCSE grade 4-9 in either English Language or Maths, you will study one or both of these courses alongside your full-time study programme. If you do have GCSE grade 4-9 in English Language and Maths then you will not be required to undertake these subjects. By doing so, you'll be building a stronger set of skills that will significantly boost your employability in the future.
Think of it as a chance to supercharge your knowledge and abilities. You'll be equipped with the tools necessary to tackle the world beyond college with confidence. Plus, we'll be right here to support you every step of the way.
How long is the course?
There are eight units studied over 12 months.
How will I be assessed?
Learners are assessed using a combination of on-programme and end-point assessment.
On-programme assessment will include:
- Assessment in the workplace by line manager/tutor whilst undertaking work-based activities
- Assignments, reports, appraisals, personal reflective log
- Portfolio of evidence which includes regular reviews of performance between line manager and apprentice, feedback from line manager, peers and direct reports and a continual professional development (CPD) log
End-point assessment will include:
- Review of portfolio which covers:
- Check for coverage of the standards
- Evidence of performance reviews between learner and line manager
- Evidence of feedback from line manager, peers and direct reports
- Review of CPD log
- Test set by CMI
- Interview and professional discussion
Mode of delivery (20% off-the-job)
Sample programme:
Weeks 1-3
There will be a series of weekly taught sessions led by the tutor, which typically run from 9am to 1pm. The sessions will enable learners to develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of the business theory and how it relates to their own workplace. They provide the foundation necessary for learners to put into practice their learning when producing their assignments.
Between 1-4pm a series of activities and tasks will be set by the tutor to support the completion of assignments. The programme allows flexibility for the learner to return to work after 1pm or remain in the university centre to complete assignments with guidance from the tutor.
Week 4
There will be a tutor visit to the learner’s workplace to liaise with the employer and assess development of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for the qualification.
Week 5
Finalising and submitting coursework and introduction to next unit.
Employer commitment
An employer must be prepared to provide the learner with the opportunity to carry out their work and be involved in new projects which will enable the learner to produce evidence towards their qualification.
Employer involvement is very important for the learner to achieve success and this will mean a series of reviews of the learner’s progress towards meeting specific outcomes. This ensures continued progress through the apprenticeship by resolving issues and providing challenges for the learner.
What does the course lead to?
- Level 3 Team Leader Apprenticeship
- CMI Level 3 Diploma in Principles of Management and Leadership
How do I apply?
Please ring 0808 100 3626 or email to contact the course tutor.