Introduction to Plumbing - Entry Level
This four-week part-time evening course is designed to help adults aged 19 and over learn, develop, and practice the skills needed for employment and/or career progression in plumbing. The course is conducted in small, supportive groups and is both fun and engaging.
Start dates and fees
Start date(s)
- Please refer to the table below.
- 5.00-8.00pm (Monday and Tuesday)
- Aged 19 or over (on August 31 2024)
- Earning below £25,000
- Unemployed and in receipt of qualifying benefits
- Employed and in receipt of qualifying benefits but take-home pay (disregarding benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole adult) or £1,437 a month (joint benefit)
- Economically inactive (learners who are not working and in receipt of benefits).
- £75 - if you do not fall into the above criteria.
What will I study?
You will study:
- Copper pipework
- Low carbon steel pipework
- Plastic pipework
- Repair and maintenance of plumbing systems.
Entry requirements
- This course is only available to learners aged 19+
- Must live in England and NOT live in one of the locations listed here
- No previous experience or skills are required.
How long is the course?
4 weeks.
How will I be assessed?
Practical assessment.
What does the course lead to?
Completing this course could lead to working in a junior plumbing role within construction or as a maintenance professional, either employed or self-employed
Large employers in the area include local council maintenance departments, housing associations, hospitals and schools.
What can I progress onto?