Gas Engineering Operative - Advanced Apprenticeship - Level 3
Gas engineering involves the safe installation, commission, decommission and the ongoing service and repair of gas appliances in either a domestic or non-domestic setting. Appliances can include, but are not limited to, a range of work categories such as central heating boilers, unvented hot water storage, ducted air heaters, cookers, space heaters, meters, alternative fuel, boosters, testing and purging for industrial pipework. Roles in gas engineering will include explaining how installations and appliances work, providing energy efficiency advice and ensuring customer service excellence at all times. Gas engineering operates strictly within the requirements of health and safety legislation.
Start dates and fees
This apprenticeship can begin at any time of the year. This might be in line with your start date of employment or perhaps a review with your employer where your development is discussed.
During your apprenticeship, your employer is obliged to pay you a wage. Accurate information about minimum rates of pay can be found by visiting
It is worth noting that many employers pay above minimum rates. Apprentices might be paid the minimum wage for apprentices if they are either:
- Aged under 19
- Aged 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship.
For more information about apprenticeships including our current vacancies, please visit our apprenticeship page.
What will I study?
- Carry out safe isolation essential electrical safety checks
- Carry out flue testing
- Undertake the necessary safety checks following gas work on an appliance (regulation 26/9)
- Work in compliance with statutory and normative documentation including building regulations, water regulations and electrical regulations
- Access and comply with technical guidance, bulletins and safety alerts e.g. Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedures (GIUSP)
- Demonstrate tightness testing, purging and relight procedures on gas installations
- Demonstrate pipework installations/pipework skills, pressure and flow/pipework sizing, meter installations
- Demonstrate ambient air testing/carbon monoxide/dioxide atmosphere testing
- Identify gas safety controls and prove their safe operation
- Complete records and maintain records accordingly
- Identify faults and take the appropriate action
- Undertake the installation and/or repair and maintenance of four appliances
- Reinstate following completion of works cleaning up and making good
- Electrical awareness and be able to carry out safe isolation and essential electrical safety checks
- Combustion, combustion analysis, gas properties, carbon monoxide (CO), and types of burners
- Flues and ventilation principles
- The necessary safety checks following gas work on an appliance (regulation 26/9)
- The range and suitability of appliances
- The statutory and normative documentation including building regulations, water regulations and electrical regulations
- Emergency procedures, including gas escapes, report of fumes and for unsafe situations
- A knowledge and understanding of four appliances
- System design, location, controls, flue types for appliances and smart controls
- An awareness of green technologies
- The properties of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
- An awareness of fuel storage – tanks and bottles (Liquid Petroleum Gas - LPG)
- Ensure personal wellbeing and the safety of customers and others is a priority
- Be risk aware showing the desire to reduce risks through systematic monitoring and checking information and the strict compliance with appropriate regulations and normative documents
- Demonstrate an awareness of how the work impacts on others in the work environment
- Confidently deliver a polite, courteous, professional service to all customers and members of the public whilst safeguarding customer welfare and recognising vulnerability, equality and diversity
- Undertake Continuous Professional Development to enhance knowledge and skills to maintain competence
- Recognise personal and professional limitations and seek appropriate advice when necessary
- Display self-discipline and self-motivated approach
- Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner
Entry requirements
Each apprenticeship programme will have its own set of entry requirements. You should understand these before making an application. Individual prior attainment will always be carefully considered when planning an apprenticeship programme.
You will need to be aged 16 years and over to be eligible for an apprenticeship programme. As this is a work-based qualification you must be employed in a relevent role and have a contract of employment to cover the duration of the apprenticeship programme. Here at West Nottinghamshire College we have a recruitment team that can help you to find the right opportunity. Call the main college number and ask for the apprenticeship team to find out how we could help you.
As an applicant, you will undertake assessment in both maths and English prior to enrolment to ascertain current working levels which will aid the creation of an individual learning plan towards achieving maths and English at level 2 if not already achieved.
If you have passed maths and English GCSE or equivalent you will be required to evidence this with certificates which may result in exemption from undertaking the maths and English functional skill qualification within the apprenticeship framework. Please note that as an apprentice you are required to demonstrate ongoing improvement in both maths and English even if you are exempt from the tested element.
Study programmes - essential skills for employment
If you’re aged 16-18 (or 19-25 with an EHC Plan), we want to make sure you have the best possible chances of landing an awesome job once you finish college.
Therefore, if you do not have GCSE grade 4-9 in either English Language or Maths, you will study one or both of these courses alongside your full-time study programme. If you do have GCSE grade 4-9 in English Language and Maths then you will not be required to undertake these subjects. By doing so, you'll be building a stronger set of skills that will significantly boost your employability in the future.
Think of it as a chance to supercharge your knowledge and abilities. You'll be equipped with the tools necessary to tackle the world beyond college with confidence. Plus, we'll be right here to support you every step of the way.
How long is the course?
18 months plus EPA
How will I be assessed?
Blended delivery method including day release at college, work based assessment and online learning including Reflective accounts, witness statements, activity based work books, presentations, professional interview/discussion and work based projects.