Career spotlight
Finance officers
Average National Salaries (2022)
Age 20
Age 35
Age 50
Average salary in the East Midlands: £26,000
What does this career do?
Finance officers oversee book-keeping, general accounting and other financial and related clerical functions mainly within local government and a variety of public sector organisations.
Typical tasks
- oversees the recording and checking of daily financial transactions, the preparation of provisional balances and reconciliation of accounts
prepares or arranges the preparation of financial reports for managers
plans work schedules and assigns tasks to financial clerks
coordinates the activities and resources of finance departments
Current entry requirements
Entrants will normally possess GCSEs/S grades (including maths), a finance-related qualification at an appropriate level and have relevant work experience.
Percentage in work
Predicted employment status in 2022
Self Employed
Predicted employment levels in the East Midlands
Career related courses available at West Notts
About the statistics
Data is powered by LMI for All and is sourced from labour market statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Institute for Employment Research, the Department for Works and Pensions, and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.