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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Helen Harwood

Teacher: Tourism with Events Management and Aviation

Image of a female profile


  • Overseas resort operations
  • Overseas airport management and operations
  • UK travel service operations and customer service
  • Learning and development


After completing her A levels, Level 3 Travel and Tourism, and Overseas Operations qualifications, Helen moved overseas just a few days after finishing her studies to begin a career with Thomas Cook. Over the years, Helen gained extensive experience managing overseas resorts for major tour operators, where she was responsible for recruiting and training staff, as well as running large-scale operations at airports like Palma de Mallorca (PMI). Her role involved overseeing holiday reps and ensuring smooth operations at some of the busiest tourist destinations.

Upon returning to the UK, Helen worked as operations and customer service manager for and held similar roles across various sectors. Her love for the travel and tourism industry led her to teaching, and she began her teacher training at West Nottinghamshire College, where her own journey in the industry began.

Helen teaches Level 3 Travel and Tourism and is passionate about inspiring young people to explore the world and achieve their dream careers. She is dedicated to equipping her students with the skills and opportunities that she benefited from and is committed to sharing her deep-rooted passion for the industry with the next generation.

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