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Dale Shirtliffe

Teacher: Drama

Image of Dale Shirtliffe

Courses taught/supported


  • Script work
  • Physicality
  • Directing


Dale completed his Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Drama and Performing Arts at Edge Hill University where he studied a number of units that have directly helped him with the transition into teaching, such as directing, theatre in education and acting skills. Dale performed in a number of productions, such as The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui by Bertolt Brecht, Metamorphosis by Steven Berkoff and a stage adaptation of Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Whilst at university, Dale took part in the local theatre scene, joining a local theatre company, putting on a number of shows at the university theatre, such as Hamlet, The Sea and Gagarin Way.

Dale is a newly qualified teacher who has just completed his PGCE from Nottingham Trent University. He has worked within the department for two years and his enthusiasm and good humour have been a welcome addition. During this time Dale has taught voice, screen acting and classical theatre.

Dale started his employment at West Notts College four years ago in the Additional Learning Support Team as a learning support assistant, working specifically with students with visual impairments. Dale has worked with students in small groups and on an individual basis, supporting them to access each lesson. Dale has extensive experience of supporting students on a 1:1 basis and enabling students to make excellent progress. Dale has a thorough understanding of individual student needs and swiftly develops a rapport with the students he works with.

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