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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Nina Harrower

Teacher: Hairdressing

Image of Nina Harrower


My name is Nina Harrower and my role within the hair and beauty department is teacher for Level 2 and 3 Hairdressing.

My experience within the hairdressing industry began 26 years ago when I started out as an apprentice in a local salon. I worked there for 8 years before going on to open my own salon and running my own business within a busy fitness centre.

I have always worked with Wella as one of the leading brands in the industry and I have a particular passion for everything colour.

I went on to teaching in 2005 and have now been teaching at West Notts College for 16 years where I still enjoy the buzz of sharing my knowledge, experience and skills with the new up and coming stylists of the future!

So I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for the future and I look forward to working with you all soon.

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