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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Wayne Johnson

Teacher: Computing

Image of Wayne Johnson


Wayne is a very experienced computer science teacher who has been with the college since joining as a software developer in 2004. Initially, as well as working as a teacher, he helped to develop an innovative computer games platform for aiding in teaching and learning, which won a prestigious national award.

Wayne has experience in teaching many levels of courses within the digital technologies subject area, ranging from beginners, to those studying higher education. He has taught on A-Levels, Higher National Diplomas and the intermediate programs, but mainly focuses on the advanced level courses. Recently he has been involved in a national project that aims to introduce primary school children to the subject area.

With a range of academic, practical and technological skills, his main focus is typically aimed toward software, project management, and exam based subjects.

Wayne’s main focus of interest include game design and development, mathematics and 2D graphics. In his free time, Wayne is involved in projects with small games companies and is currently the creative director of a start-up company.

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