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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Joshua Ludlam

Teacher: English

Image of Joshua Ludlam


Joshua’s career began as a volunteer for A Place To Call Our Own (APTCOO), providing targeted youth support for young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Mansfield. Joshua volunteered here at West Notts College whilst studying his A Levels.

Following the completion of his A Levels, Joshua was employed by APTCOO as a family support worker, leading SEND youth clubs and delivering one-to-one alternative education as part of their newly established APTCOO Independent School. Joshua particularly enjoyed supporting the outdoor and gardening education programme. Joshua proceeded to work with REAL Alternative Provision School as a HLTA for English. Joshua delivered bespoke one-to-one sessions, focussed on literacy. Much of this work consisted of meeting with young people within the community to engage with learning.

Joshua now works for Mansfield Education Hub, which has recently been acquired by West Notts College. Joshua is particularly excited about the transfer and to work in partnership with a further education college in Mansfield. Joshua works for Mansfield Education Hub as the GCSE English teacher and loves delivering this curriculum and he aims to make the subjects accessible and enjoyable. The thought of Mansfield Hub operating under the umbrella of West Notts College is a very exciting time for him and the whole team.

Joshua has an interest in community organising. He has supported the organisation of tree planting initiatives and litter picks. Joshua currently works for The Co-op as a community pioneer, assisting with community projects and hosting community forums. Joshua is currently building partnerships between voluntary youth services in Chesterfield, and he is also currently studying BA (Hons.) Education and Professional Development through University Centre Rotherham and wishes to study the MA afterwards.

In Joshua’s spare time, he loves spending time with friends and family, visiting cities for days out, hiking in the countryside and dining out. Joshua practices yoga and enjoys reading, especially about mindfulness and Eastern life philosophies, and he likes swimming, and travelling too.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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