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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Angela Gascoyne

Teacher: Maths

Image of Angela Gascoyne


  • GCSE Maths
  • Functional Skills Maths


Angela entered the world of education as a hospitality and catering NVQ assessor after being made redundant from her role as a revenue manager in a hotel.

Assessing catering qualifications and teaching English and maths Key Skills, Angela developed her passion for teaching maths and after gaining assessor’s awards and the Certificate in Education and completed the Numeracy Specialism in the Learning and Skills Sector.

Over the past 20 years Angela has worked in all areas of post-16 and adult education including work-based, community, offender learning and now Further Education with West Nottinghamshire College.

In her spare time Angela is the parish safeguarding officer and lead recruiter for her church. She is also a youth leader of church and community groups.

Angela likes to travel and enjoys taking city breaks in European countries. Closer to home Angela likes the great outdoors and her favourite type of holiday is camping!

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