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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Pete Salt

Teacher: Esports, Game Design and Media

Image of Pete Salt


Pete began his career in the creative and digital sector by achieving a first class BSc Hons degree in Games Development from Nottingham Trent University. Pete is an experienced teacher and personal tutor of more than 10 years. Pete has worked with learners from Level 2 through to Level 6. Pete is currently our department digital champion, promoting the ethical use of AI and digital technologies and works across both the Media and Esports departments.

Pete has previously been a Senior Lecturer at a University, delivering Games Production & Art. Pete’s initial focus in Video Game Development & Design came through passion for narrative, which continues to influence both the focus and direction of personal projects. A particular area of interest is presence and immersion in supporting work and the efforts of game students. Pete has a passion for creative writing, theatre scripting and screenplay as well as video editing and motion graphics.

Previous projects include work completed with NTU Researchers, creating a proof of concept for using Virtual Reality to support different perspectives for education, helping inform equality and diversity. Virtual Reality system built for Nottingham based escape room. Unreal Game Engine consultant for Nottingham Victoria Railway Station 3D project. Pete has a diverse skill set including game design and character development, level design & game mechanics (theory & practical), asset generation through 3Ds Max / Mudbox / Photoshop / Quixel / UE pipeline and Virtual Reality Development and Design.

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