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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Jon Hall

Teacher: Media (Broadcast and Interactive)

Image of Jon Hall

Courses taught/supported


  • Photography
  • Branding/design
  • Video production/editing
  • Critical media theory/film studies


Jon began his professional career as a photographer working in the design industry specialising in digital photo-retouch and image manipulation techniques.

He worked for a range of national and international clients helping to brand and advertise their services using photography, video and graphic design. After being awarded a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Communication Studies, Jon was employed as a media researcher and taught a range of specialist units in Digital Media Production at Sheffield Hallam University.

After completing his initial teacher training he moved to West Nottinghamshire College to complete his PGCE and coordinate the media course focusing on video production techniques and critical Television/Film theory.

Outside of college Jon has worked as a freelance writer, visual designer and photographer for a range of clients and continues to do so when he has time!

Jon is a skilled and fully-qualified (PGCE) teacher and assessor, with 16 years’ experience across every level of the Further and Higher education sector.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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