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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Scott William Smith

Teacher: Digital Technologies (Computer Science)

Image of Scott William Smith


  • Digital marketing
  • Procedural software and real time interfacing
  • Website development
  • Business strategy and performance
  • Project management


Scott was a student at West Nottinghamshire College in 2012 and studied A-Level Business, IT and Media Studies. Scott later studied computer science, specialising in real-time interfacing/programming and was awarded a Bachelor of Science through Staffordshire University. After he graduated, he ran a successful campaign which landed him the role of vice-president and governor at the university for two consecutive years.

Scott is the department's specialist in digital marketing. Before working at West Notts, he was the Marketing Director at Laser Quest GB. This role required him to manage & support franchisees' digital marketing efforts and set up websites/SEO strategies. Also, he liaised with the operations director to set out a business strategy to grow Laser Quest internationally.

He has also had experience in an IT support role at Smart Entertainment. In this position, he was the first point of contact, answering queries, providing system support, and helping businesses identify if they should implement system features to drive sales and revenue for the company.

Currently, Scott has involvement with a software development company based in Staffordshire that provides bespoke and platform-based solutions for themed entertainment attractions.

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