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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Piers Ching

Teacher: Computer Science

Image of Piers Ching


  • Programming
  • Networking/Server management
  • VR/3D environment development
  • Computer games development
  • Application of AI


Piers has had many jobs so far, within retail, security and logistics, but their teaching journey started as a volunteer teaching assistant at a local primary school. This reignited a passion for learning.

Piers joined West Notts College as a student on a NVQ course in IT Support, then quickly progressed on to a Higher National Certificate course in Software Engineering. It was whilst on this course he gained full-time employment as an IT Technician within the college. After a couple of years, their role moved to part-time, then full-time teaching delivering on a range of courses and levels. They then became course lead and curriculum manager for the computing department, helping the team grow. They have taught on many courses, from running successful school tasters, to delivering degree level content in diverse topics such as Programming, Router Configuration and VR Environments.

Piers continued his education whilst working and gained a First-class Honours degree with Sheffield University whilst he was working at Chesterfield College. Their dissertation was on a practical use of AI within a business application. They have also worked on Erasmus+ international Projects with Non-Governmental Organisations like CILL-UK and Momentum World and worked with companies like Atari and BioWare.

Piers has returned to West Nottinghamshire College, to work with the great team within computing and the support our local learners into great careers.

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