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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Dave Brockhouse

Computer Science Technician

Image of Dave Brockhouse


  • PC build
  • Practical computing
  • Computer security in practice
  • Fault find and repair
  • Computer upgrades and facilitation


Dave is the technician for the computer science department and is a familiar face that can often be seen carrying around computers, tools or pushing a trolley full of scrap. He sets up the labs for practical sessions and is often the first port of call for any technical issues the staff may be having. Dave is the mechanic who oils the gears of the computer science department and keeps everything running smoothly.

Dave started on the Level 3 IT Course at West Notts College and as his skills developed, he discovered a passion for sharing his skills with others. Which is why he applied for the role of the technician here at the college. He not only carries out the technician duties but also delivers workshops and lectures based on anything and everything practical-based with computers; from security to just installing a graphics card.

Dave has over 20 years of experience in tinkering with technology, in that time he has developed a broad range of knowledge and as such, often supports the other teachers with their satellite and specialised units.

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