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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


George Phillips

Assessor/Coach: Animal Care

Image of George Phillips


  • Exotic animal husbandry
  • Livestock husbandry
  • Countryside conservation
  • Habitat conservation


George is the assessor coach for animal care specialising in exotics, such as snakes and meerkats to livestock such as goats and sheep.

After graduating from DeMontfort University, George went on to sharpen his focus by studying British Countryside Management.

Before joining the team at West Notts, George gained years of industry experience by running his own environmentally conscious gardening company and working at White Post Farm. George became a familiar face at the farm working in the reptile house and becoming one of the main presenters for their various digital campaigns, Facebook lives and events days.

While at the farm George worked freelance with the college as an assessor before becoming a full-time member of staff.

George delivers practical session across all levels for animal care both at Derby Road and off-site at one of our many partnership sites.

You can also find George running study sessions, catch-up sessions and undertaking tech duties at our brand new animal care unit.

When not at work you can find him going for long dog walks, bouldering or having a good old fashioned sit down by his fire pit.

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