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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm

photo of hands painted in the union jack colours

British Values

What are British Values?

“Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.”

Vision West Nottinghamshire College embeds, supports and promotes British Values in the following ways:


  • A strong and vibrant learner voice programme that takes the views of students seriously.
  • A course representative structure that elects students to represent the interests of their peers.
  • An active and vibrant Students’ Union with a sabbatical president, elected by the student body and a number of other non-paid roles elected to represent the views of students.
  • Elected student representation on our governing body.
  • Student representatives on key college areas such as the safeguarding and equality and diversity steering groups.
  • A tutorial programme and wider activities that engage students in the democratic processes of this country and encourage students to make their voice heard through appropriate democratic processes.
  • Student engagement with Citizens UK, The National Union of Students and other organisations representing the views of young people and communities to local and national politicians.
  • Regular debates encouraging freedom of expression and ensuring students have their say on key local and national issues.

The rule of law

  • Close partnership working with the police to reinforce the need for students to abide by the laws of the land.
  • Close links with agencies working with young people with criminal records to support them to get their lives back on track.
  • Embedding and reinforcement of college values and the student code of conduct.
  • Robust and effective disciplinary processes that provide a framework for sanction should students not abide by college rules.
  • Visits and speakers from a range of organisations such as the magistrates, police, and members of parliament to encourage students to engage with law making.

Individual liberty

  • Responsibility is one of the college’s core values and as such students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own choices, actions and decisions and the impact that they have on others.
  • Students are encouraged to make informed and positive choices about their future, this may be in terms of their next steps, their behaviour or their life outside college.
  • At the core of the college’s ethos is raising aspirations; as such we actively encourage our students to achieve their potential with the aim that they leave the college broad minded, respectful and effective global citizens.
  • The college operates a zero tolerance policy in relation to any form of bullying. Students are encouraged to respect each other and respect another’s right to have an opinion and express that opinion free from fear.
  • We work with students to enable them to make informed choices about their own health and run regular sessions with students on topics such as alcohol awareness, drug awareness, safe sex and teenage pregnancy.

Mutual respect and tolerance for those from different faiths and beliefs

  • Respect is one of the core values of the college and as such guides both staff and student behaviour.
  • Respect is well embedded within the college’s student and staff code of conduct and we actively promote an environment of mutual respect that is free from any form of harassment and discrimination.
  • Equality and diversity is well embedded within our college; we have a robust policy framework to guide our work in this area and a proactive and effective equality and diversity steering group.
  • An appreciation of and celebration of different faiths and beliefs forms part of our annual calendar of events and the college promotes and celebrates a range of religious festivals and ideals throughout the year.
  • The college engages the services of a voluntary chaplain who runs faith groups, one to one support and delivers a tutorial programme around faith and belief.
  • An appreciation of diversity is well embedded within the college’s teaching and learning.

Why choose West Notts?

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Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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