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Thursday 6 March | 5.30-7.30pm


Students padel their way to fitness through new sport

Posted: 26 February 2025

Things have been getting competitive for West Nottinghamshire College students as they visited Mansfield Town Football Club’s grounds – but for a game with a difference.

That’s because they took to the courts, not the pitch, at the recently-opened World Padel Academy (WPA) situated adjacent to the One Call Stadium.

The group, who study on the Beginners Preparation for Study programme at the college’s Mansfield Education Hub on Commercial Gate, enjoyed a session learning all about padel tennis, which is played in doubles using a stringless, short-handled racket.

WPA Mansfield is WPA UK’s first fully owned UK venue and includes four covered courts with a 10-metre-high canopy, clubhouse and reception, a coffee shop, padel store and areas to socialise.

Students and staff from the Mansfield Education Hub were introduced to the resident padel coach Hugo Da Silva, who gave the group tips on how to play the sport and how to refine their skills in the sport which is described as a mix of squash and tennis.

Chief operating officer for WPA UK, James Bowring, said: “I hope the students from West Notts College enjoyed their time on the court. We’re committed to providing court time for students at all our venues so more young people get access to this great sport, which is on track to be in the Olympics within the next decade.

“It can be played at whatever level suits each person, whether it’s to simply be active, socialise with friends or to be competitive, padel can be enjoyed by everyone. WPA is not just a place to play padel, we are an academy and it’s important for us to coach and develop players and to provide playing opportunities for young people.”

Head of department for the college’s Mansfield Education Hub, Kat Wisniewski, said: “Our students had a great time during the session and smiled throughout.

“This opportunity shows us that this sport is truly inclusive, and I plan to take the rest of the department as the year progresses, thanks to the kindness of WPA.”

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