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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Construction student gets hands-on industry experience on site of new skills hub

Posted: 05 December 2024

A construction student at West Nottinghamshire College has joined the team managing the delivery of its new £8.8million skills hub, gaining valuable hands-on experience of the trade.

Archie Martin, 17, is spending one day a week on the site of the Future Tech Skills and Knowledge Exchange, which is currently being built by Clegg Construction at the college’s Chesterfield Road campus in Mansfield.

His role from now until the project’s completion next summer includes assisting in the delivery of inductions, capturing progress photos, shadowing Clegg Construction’s project manager Andy Turner and contracts manager Lyndon Bowler, and learning from key tradespeople on site such as roofers, masons, and window and door installers.

Archie, who is undertaking a T Level in Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction, will also spend time at Clegg Construction’s head office in Nottingham city centre’s Lace Market, where he will gain an insight into other areas of the business, including the company’s pre-construction department – learning about bid-writing and planning processes.

In all, he will spend 315 hours – equivalent to 45 days – on his industry placement with the company as part of his T Level studies.

T Levels are nationally-recognised qualifications equivalent to three A Levels or a Level 3 vocational programme and includes an industry placement with a reputable employer. These give students an opportunity to gain real-world experience at an external business, enhancing their technical skills ready to take into the workplace and creating relationships that could result in an apprenticeship or employment.

Kelly Hammond, work placement engagement advisor in the college’s construction department, said: “Industry placements are extremely valuable to our students, giving them real-life experiences which helps them with their learning and also to secure employment in the future.

“We are very grateful to Clegg Construction and the team delivering our new Future Tech Skills and Knowledge Exchange for providing this opportunity for Archie.” 

Gavin Peake, director of IT, estates and learning resources at the college, said: “This placement is a great example of our partnership with a local company and how we work with businesses to train our students.

“Not only does this sort of placement equip students with the skills and knowledge needed in their chosen field, but it also has an important role in helping to create a skilled workforce that supports employers in their future development.”

Michael Sims, managing director at Clegg Construction, said: “It is very important to Clegg Construction that we support young people in their training and help the next generation of construction professionals. During his time with us, Archie is gaining valuable hands-on experience alongside his college training.

“The Future Tech Skills and Knowledge Exchange that we are delivering for West Nottinghamshire College will be a focal point for T Levels, which is the kind of qualification that Archie is studying, so it is very apt that he is learning some relevant skills by joining us during delivery of the development.”

Archie commented: “I’ve already learnt some valuable skills by spending time with Clegg Construction and the team delivering the Future Tech Skills and Knowledge Exchange. I’m very grateful to have been given this opportunity and look forward to the next phases of development over the coming weeks and months.”

The steel frame for flagship building was recently erected, with the current phase of works comprising the construction of external elevations, masonry work, the installation of windows and doors, and the completion of roof coverings.

Due for completion in summer 2025, the centre will accommodate around 300 college students and will deliver qualifications at Level 3 and above, with a strong focus on innovation and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.

The building will provide 1,343 sq. m. of high-quality teaching space across two floors and be a focal delivery point for T Levels.

Funding for the new facility is through a £4.3m allocation from Mansfield District Council’s Towns Fund pot, £3.8m from the Education and Skills Funding Agency as part of the second phase of its Further Education Capital Transformation Fund, and £734,000 from the college and Nottingham Trent University.

Watch this video to see how Archie is progressing on his industry placement with Clegg Construction, and hear what he has to say about T Levels.

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