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Preparing for careers in the Armed Forces through West Nottinghamshire College

Posted: 16 May 2023

A new course designed to identify and develop potential leaders for careers as a Commissioned or Non-Commissioned Officer in the Armed Forces is coming to West Nottinghamshire College.

The one-year intensive Future Leaders Programme – Level 3 Diploma for Entry into the Armed Forces will become part of the successful uniformed protective services course portfolio from September 2023.

Aimed at people aged 18 and over, who are focused on joining the Army, Royal Air Force, Navy or Royal Marines, students will follow a programme developed to bring out the skills and knowledge required of future Armed Forces leaders.

As well as discovering the range of physical fitness regimes for entry into the armed forces, students will learn about equality, diversity and inclusion, develop the required leadership skills, understand how to map read and navigate across open country, respond to emergency planning scenarios and get involved in a variety of land-based and water-based adventures.

Students will also be taught about the influence of UK government, international organisations and the media on the uniformed services, as well as receive specific support on how to prepare for each service’s job selection process.

It has been endorsed by Major Steve Goodwin, who is based at Nottingham’s Chetwynd Barracks and acts as the area’s careers engagement lead, advising school and college students on careers in the Armed Forces.

Major Goodwin has worked closely with the uniformed protective services curriculum at the college for a number of years and has contributed his specialist opinions to the new course outline.

Major Goodwin, who joined the Army aged 16 as an armoured soldier on horses, moving on to a career as a tank commander, said: “This new course really drills down into more specifics required for a career in the Armed Forces. It will be aimed at those who have some leadership abilities and want to develop and maximise these skills for a very rewarding career.

I would have loved to have had a course available like this when I left school; I would most certainly have chosen it. As the new programme develops, I will continue to work with the team to further enhance the syllabus with a view to some planned visits to Armed Forces bases.”

Future leaders course tutor Sam Fallows said: “This course will maximise the leadership potential in each individual student, enabling them to have the best possible chance of a successful application within any of the Armed Forces.

“It’s been specially designed so that students will be developed gradually throughout the programme, learning how to work as an effective team, with an emphasis on leadership and followership.

“Students will really benefit from the teaching team’s incredible depth of knowledge, as well as the strong links we have through Major Goodwin, to gain an unrivalled insight into life within the Armed Forces, both as Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers.”

To find out more about the new course click the link - Future Leaders Programme

Caption: (left to right) - Student Thor Smith, head of sport and public services Sarah Morley, Major Steve Goodwin, public services programme area leader Derek Dawkins, principal and chief executive Andrew Cropley, Libby Vardy and Cam Hopkinson.

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