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Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm


Results days 2024: A-Levels, GCSEs, and technical/vocational qualifications

These are the arrangements to collect your eagerly-awaited qualification results this summer.

The collection of results for A-Levels, GCSEs and certain types of technical/vocational qualifications take place on different days, in different locations – please refer to the following information relating to your programme of study.

Please note: qualifications not listed below fall outside of these national results days and the results will be posted to students' home address, once the college has received them from the awarding bodies.

If you are unsure about whether this applies to your course, please email quoting your student ID number.

A-Levels (year 2)

Thursday 15 August, 8-11am, The Atrium (ground floor), Derby Road campus, Mansfield, NG18 5BH:

  • Final year (year 2) A-Level results will be available to collect from 8am until 11am on Thursday 15 August.
  • These should be collected from The Atrium at the Derby Road campus, Mansfield, NG18 5BH;
  • You should collect your results in person and bring suitable photographic ID with you (for example, your college ID badge, passport or driving licence). Unfortunately, we are not able to issue results to anyone else on your behalf unless previously arranged, and we cannot give out results over the telephone.
  • Heads of department, teachers, achievement coaches and the careers team will be available to offer advice and guidance on your next steps and answer any questions you may have.
  • Staff will also be available to support you with clearing for university, if required.
  • To assist with accessing the clearing system, remember to bring:
    • Your mobile phone (fully charged!)
    • UCAS/university email with the exact wording of conditional offers for both your firm (first) choice and insurance university (for example, was it ABB or AAB, or were there any other conditions?)
    • Contact details for your firm and insurance universities (for example, telephone number and email address for the main admissions office).
  • If you have studied a technical/vocational qualification – for example, Criminology (Vocational) Level 3, or Sport and Exercise Science (Vocational) Level 3 – alongside your A-Level programme, these results will be in the same envelope as your A-Level results.
  • If you are not able to attend on the day, you can contact the exams team to arrange for someone to collect your results on your behalf. Please see section ‘Important information’ at the end of this page for full details.
  • Results not collected by 11am on Thursday 15 August will be posted to your home address (the address that is on the college’s student record system) and therefore you will not receive them until Friday 16 August at the earliest.

City & Guilds Technicals (Level 3) and BTEC Nationals (Level 3)

Thursday 15 August, 8-11am, The Atrium (ground floor), Derby Road campus, Mansfield, NG18 5BH:

  • City & Guilds Technical (Level 3) and BTEC National (Level 3)* results will be available to collect from 8am until 11am on Thursday 15 August.
  • These should be collected from The Atrium at the Derby Road campus, Mansfield, NG18 5BH;
  • You should collect your results in person and bring suitable photographic ID with you (for example, your college ID badge, passport or driving licence). Unfortunately, we are not able to issue results to anyone else on your behalf unless previously arranged, and we cannot give out results over the telephone.
  • College staff including the careers team will be available to offer advice and guidance on your next steps and answer any questions you may have.
  • If you are not able to attend on the day, you can contact the exams team to arrange for someone to collect your results on your behalf. Please see section ‘Important information’ at the end of this page for full details.
  • Results not collected by 11am on Thursday 15 August will be posted to your home address (the address that is on the college’s student record system) and therefore you will not receive them until Friday 16 August at the earliest.

* Results will only be available to collect for BTEC courses that have involved external assessments/exams. Certificates for BTEC qualifications that are coursework-only will be posted out as soon as received by the college.

GCSEs (English, maths and biology), City & Guilds Technicals (Level 2) and BTEC Firsts (Level 2)

Thursday 22 August, 8-11am, Vision Room (first floor, near to reception), Derby Road campus, Mansfield, NG18 5BH:

  • GCSE (English, maths and biology), City & Guilds Technical (Level 2) and BTEC First (Level 2) * results will be available to collect from 8am until 11am on Thursday 22 August.
  • These should be collected from The Vision Room at the Derby Road campus, Mansfield, NG18 5BH;
  • You should collect your results in person and bring suitable photographic ID with you (for example, your college ID badge, passport or driving licence). Unfortunately, we are not able to issue results to anyone else on your behalf unless previously arranged, and we cannot give out results over the telephone.
  • Heads of department, teachers, and the careers team will be available to offer advice and guidance on your next steps and answer any questions you may have.
  • If you are not able to attend on the day, you can contact the exams team to arrange for someone to collect your results on your behalf. Please see section ‘Important information’ at the end of this page for full details.
  • Results not collected by 11am on Thursday 22 August will be posted to your home address (the address that is on the college’s student record system) and therefore you will not receive them until Friday 23 August at the earliest.

* Results will only be available to collect for BTEC courses that have involved external assessments/exams. Certificates for BTEC qualifications that are coursework-only will be posted out as soon as received by the college.

Important information:

To collect your results in person you must bring a suitable form of photographic ID with you (for example, your college ID badge, passport or driving licence). If you are unable to attend, you can authorise a person whom you know and trust to collect your results on your behalf by prior arrangement only. In order to do this, you must send an email to and it is crucial that you quote your student ID number. In the email, please also state the full name of the person who you have authorised to collect your results and their relationship to you.

Your email must be received by the exams team by no later than the following dates:

Deadline For results day on
5pm on Tuesday 13 August Thursday 15 August
5pm on Tuesday 20 August Thursday 22 August

You will also need to give the person you ask to collect your results a signed authorisation note/letter, which we will keep. The person collecting your results will need to bring suitable photographic ID of their own so that we give out the correct results envelope. We will not be able to issue your results to another person unless we have your signed permission and have received prior notice and, unfortunately, we are not able to give out results over the telephone.

For further information about results days, or if you have any queries, please email

We wish you all the best with your results and hope you get the grades you are hoping for.

If you are returning to college in September, we look forward to welcoming you back and seeing you continue your journey with us. To all those progressing onto further study elsewhere or moving into employment or an apprenticeship, we wish you every success for the future.

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