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T Level in Animal Care and Management - Level 3

T Level in Animal Care and Management - Level 3


If you love animals and want to work with them, then this T Level may be exactly what you need to spend everyday with one.

With more than 350 zoos, 11,000 stables and around 57% of UK households owning a pet, animal care is an important sector to join. This T Level will equip you with the knowledge and the practical experience to set you on track for a successful career in various businesses from vets to zoos. 

This course can lead to the following career opportunities:

  • Zookeeper
  • Animal care worker
  • Assistance dog trainer
  • Dog handler.

When you start the course, we will assign you a progress tutor who will support you throughout your time at college. Their role is to help you in setting academic and personal targets, creating a career plan, developing employability skills and monitoring your progress to make sure you realise your full potential.

What are T Levels?

If you’re academically minded but have a skilled career route in mind, a T Level will give you a head start into your chosen industry.

T Levels are two-year qualifications that have been designed in partnership with businesses and industry-leading employers so you can develop the skills and knowledge required to kick-start your career straight from college.

  • 80/20 Learning - 80% college-based, 20% on a relevant work placement
  • Employer endorsed - designed with employers to provide the skills that industry needs
  • 1 T Level = 3 A Levels - T Levels are nationally-recognised qualifications, equivalent to 3 A Levels.

As an alternative next-step after GCSEs, a T Level also includes a mandatory 45-day (315 hours) work placement with a reputable employer within your chosen industry.

The qualification splits into core content and specialist content:

  • Core content - develop your general understanding of the industry
  • Specialist content - covers different topics depending on the pathway you choose.

You can find out more about T Levels by watching the video below or visiting our T Level information page which includes details about the other courses available and FAQs. 

  • Graphic saying West Notts Travel Pass, unleash your freedom.

    FREE* Travel Pass

    To enable you to attend your work placement, we’re pleased to offer all T Level students a West Notts Travel Pass for free! It's one pass for unlimited bus travel across much of Nottinghamshire and parts of Derbyshire. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Find out more

    *Free for new and returning students for academic year 2025/2026. This is subject to change for academic year 2026/2027.

Start dates and fees

Please be aware mandatory kit and uniform is required -  if you'd like more information you can call our enquiries team on 0808 100 3626

Start DateCodeAnnual FeeActions
Sep 20251011C1703FREEApply

What will I study?

Across the two years, you will cover both core and specialist units. The core units will develop your general understanding of the industry. The specialist units will cover more in-depth topics suitable to your chosen career.

On this T Level, you will study this pathway:

  • Animal management and behaviour.

Core units:

  • Health and safety
  • Business
  • Working in the agriculture, environmental and animal care sector
  • Sustainability.

In addition to the core content listed above, you will also complete at least one module of occupation-specific content.

Industry placement:

Across the two years, you will need to complete an exciting 45-day (315 hours) industry placement with a reputable employer. Throughout the summer before you start your first year and your first term, a dedicated work placement advisor is available to support you with building links with suitable employers so you can secure your placement.

This is a great opportunity that will not only give you experience in an external business, but enhance your technical skills and create relationships that could result in an apprenticeship or employment once you've completed your T Level.

Entry requirements

This course is only available to 16-18 year olds.

  • Five GCSEs at grade 4-9 including English, Maths and Science/Biology


  • A Level 2 qualification in an animal care related course plus GCSE English Language and Maths at grade 4-9.

How long is the course?

Two years.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed through examinations, and practical assessments in class and a project set by employers.

Upon completion you will be awarded an overall grade (Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*). A T Level is a nationally-recognised qualification and your certificate will reflect this and will display your overall grade.

The certificate will also explain your grade from A* to E for the core component and any occupational specialisms you will receive a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*.

It will also record whether you’ve achieved the minimum requirements for your maths and English qualifications, completed an industry placement and met any other additional mandatory requirements.

What can I progress onto?

  • Skilled employment
  • Higher level apprenticeships 
  • Higher education (university*).

*As we are a partner college of Nottingham Trent University (NTU), you may qualify for various benefits should you choose to apply to NTU after completing your college course. This could include a Progress NTU offer, where you would receive an offer one grade below their standard offer. For instance, a typical offer for one of their courses might require 128 UCAS tariff points. With Progress NTU, your requirements would be 120 UCAS tariff points. For further details, please call us on 0808 100 3626 or discover more about this benefit here.

Career opportunities

How do I apply?

Apply online

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Why choose West Notts?

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Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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