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Adult Education Advice Event | Tuesday 16 July | 4.30-6.30pm

Search results

  • Biology A Level - Level 3

    Understanding biology is the key to understanding the development of life. Finding cures for diseases, tackling environmental issues and solving crimes through forensics are just some of the important…

  • Business Studies A Level - Level 3

    Having an understanding of business is becoming increasingly important in a fast-paced, technological world.

  • Chemistry A Level - Level 3

    Chemistry plays an important role in the modern world and has a huge impact on our lives. Chemists are involved in a diverse range of careers from developing medicines to analytical roles in industry…

  • Computer Science A Level - Level 3

    You will learn the technical aspects of computer science. This A Level has an emphasis on abstract thinking, general problem solving, algorithmic and mathematical reasoning, programming, and the inner…

  • Criminology (Vocational) - Level 3

    This course is part of our 2+1 offer and must be studied alongside two other A Level courses. It is the equivalent to 1.5 A Levels.

  • Economics A Level - Level 3

    This thought-provoking course offers the opportunity to learn about the latest economic theories and practices in the context of different economic issues both nationally and internationally.

  • English Language A Level - Level 3

    Whilst working towards an English language A Level, different variations of the English language will be analysed to develop your understanding and appreciation of English in all its contexts. You…

  • English Literature A Level - Level 3

    Studying A Level English Literature will encourage you to develop your interest and enjoyment of the written word. You will gain an understanding of the traditions of literature, make informed opinions…

  • Environmental Science A Level - Level 3

    Studying the natural environment has never been more important and relevant than today.

  • Film Studies A Level - Level 3

    Film is a dominant art form, both reflecting and influencing society and culture. This A level will give you a broader knowledge of film, exploring it over a range of time periods and movements including…

  • Further Maths A Level - Level 3

    This is a really exciting and challenging course for those exceptionally talented mathematicians who have excelled in Maths at GCSE.

  • Geography A Level - Level 3

    The A Level in geography will encourage you to look at the physical nature of the planet and the influence human activity has on it.

  • History A Level - Level 3

    A better knowledge and understanding of the past is an excellent way to get a clearer view of today's events. This is what makes our A Level History course such a compelling area of study.

  • Law A Level - Level 3

    What makes someone liable for murder rather than manslaughter? What does a juror do in a trial? Do judges make law and should they make law? How far does our law reflect a common morality?

  • Maths A Level - Level 3

    A Level Mathematics builds on and extends GCSE knowledge and skills and introduces new ideas, such as calculus and its applications.

  • Media A Level - Level 3

    In the media-dominated world you will be taught how to analyse the various forms of media language and representations that we consume every day; developing the ability to deconstruct a variety…

  • Philosophy A Level - Level 3

    A-level Philosophy is designed to give you a thorough grounding in the key concepts and methods of philosophy. You will have the opportunity to engage with big questions in a purely secular context…

  • Physics A Level - Level 3

    Physics is a fundamental science subject and the key to understanding the world around us and the world beyond us.

  • Politics A Level - Level 3

    Lively, relevant, controversial…there are many ways to describe A Level government and politics. There’s no denying that it’s one of the most interesting and engaging qualifications…

  • Psychology A Level - Level 3

    Psychology is applied to almost all aspects of life and is key to understanding human  behaviour. You will learn the skills needed to decode human behaviour, develop an understanding of the different…


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96.2% A Level pass rate in 2022.

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One of the top colleges in the UK for student satisfaction.**Learner Exit Survey 2019/20

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have four campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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