Wednesday 2 April | 5-7pm
Certificate in the Principles of Warehousing (Online) - Level 2
The aim of this qualification is to provide learners with a route to employment in the logistics sector.
Certificate in Understanding Retail Operations (Online) - Level 2
The purpose of this qualification is to develop learner’s knowledge and understanding of the retail sector and to provide an introduction to the retail industry to those recently employed or seeking…
Want 2 Work in Retail (Online)
Fascinated by the retail sector and want to join the industry?
Want 2 Work in Spectator Safety (Online)
Interested in working in spectator safety?
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Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.
Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.
We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.
We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.
We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.