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Wednesday 12 February | 5.30-7.30pm


Essential Digital Skills - Entry Level to Level 1


This FREE course is a perfect opportunity for you to learn essential digital skills that can help improve your confidence to use technology for work, learning and in everyday life.

Many of todays jobs require digital skills. You need them even for jobs that don't ask for high level qualifications or experience. For example, if you work in a warehouse or a shop you may need to keep digital records of stock.

You also need digital skills every day for shopping, banking, and keeping in touch with family and friends.

We understand returning to education can feel overwhelming but don't let your concerns be a barrier! This exciting and engaging course takes place in small groups alongside a supportive tutor.

Start dates and fees

The course is FREE for anyone aged 19 or over.

You can start the course at any time during the year. You can study on a flexible basis so you are able to attend at times that suit your existing commitments and lifestyle.

What will I study?

You will learn digital skills for daily life, including but not limited to:

  • using devices like a computer, tablet or mobile phone for simple, personal and work tasks
  • finding and use information on the internet
  • understanding how to be safe and responsible online
  • communicating socially and professionally using email, messaging and social media
  • shopping, banking, accessing services or applying for a job online.

Being more confident using the internet and communicating online can:

  • help you keep in touch with family and friends
  • make everyday life easier
  • increase your chances of getting a job
  • improve your access to information, advice and services
  • open up learning, training and career opportunities

Entry requirements

  • Basic IT skills. Take a look at our Digital and IT short courses for opportunities to improve your skills for FREE (subject to course and eligibility).

You will be invited to undertake an initial assessment to determine what level you are currently working at and what level of course is right for you (Entry Level to Level 1).

How long is the course?

15 weeks, one session a week.

How will I be assessed?

There is an online test at the end of the course, and an additional task observed by the tutor for Entry level 3.

Career opportunities

There isn't currently career information listed for this course.

How do I apply?

Please contact the adult learning and skills team on 01623 413602.

Remember to do this as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as our courses are very popular and places are limited.

Next steps

Apply for this course

Please contact the adult learning and skills team on

01623 413602

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Why choose West Notts?

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Courses created in partnership with local employers to meet their specific workforce needs.

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Excellent student support services from careers and financial advice to health and wellbeing.

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We offer a flexible and cost-effective travel pass to all students and apprentices.

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We have nine campuses each boasting a number of state-of-the-art facilities.

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We offer a wide-range of FREE* adult courses.*subject to eligibility.

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