Career spotlight
Protective service associate professionals n.e.c.
Average National Salaries (2022)
Age 20
Age 35
Age 50
Average salary in the East Midlands: £32,760
What does this career do?
Job holders in this unit group inspect goods to ensure compliance with regulations concerning payment of duty, establish that persons entering and leaving the UK have necessary authorisation for crossing national borders, monitor maritime conditions, undertake search and rescue operations, plan and coordinate services of private detective agencies and security measures for individuals, establishments or organisations, investigates activities such as fraud and other crimes, and perform other security and protective service occupations not elsewhere classified in MINOR GROUP 331: Protective Service Occupations.
Typical tasks
- examines, weighs and counts goods imported by ship or aircraft, ensures that the declared value of goods is satisfactory, and that duties and taxes have been paid
examines passports, visas, work permits and other immigration documents, and allows or refuses entry into the UK
maintains revenue control at breweries, tobacco factories and other premises where dutiable goods are manufactured, processed or stored
visits racecourses, greyhound stadiums and betting shops to ensure compliance with legal requirements
broadcasts information on weather and maritime conditions, monitors shipping and provides instruction to navigators
receives distress messages, alerts other appropriate rescue services and participates in search and rescue operations
photographs, fingerprints and undertakes other forms of forensic examination at the scene of a crime
analyses security requirements, advises clients, and develops, monitors and improves security measures
supervises and assigns duties to security and detection staff
investigates crimes, including fraud, trading practices and the private affairs of individuals
Current entry requirements
These posts have varying entry requirements. Some posts require no academic qualifications whereas others require GCSEs/S grades and/or relevant practical experience. Entry to some occupations is followed by periods of assessed probationary training and professional examinations.
Percentage in work
Predicted employment status in 2022
Self Employed
Predicted employment levels in the East Midlands
Career related courses available at West Notts
About the statistics
Data is powered by LMI for All and is sourced from labour market statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Institute for Employment Research, the Department for Works and Pensions, and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.