Career spotlight
Midwifery nurses
Average National Salaries (2022)
Age 20
Age 35
Age 50
Average salary in the East Midlands: £31,200
What does this career do?
Midwifery nurses deliver, or assist in the delivery of babies, provide antenatal and postnatal care and advise parents on baby care. They work with other healthcare professionals and advise on and teach midwifery practice.
Typical tasks
- monitors condition and progress of patient and baby throughout pregnancy
delivers babies in normal births and assists doctors with difficult deliveries
monitors recovery of mother in postnatal period and supervises the nursing of premature and other babies requiring special attention
advises on baby care, exercise, diet and family planning issues
supervises more junior staff and directs the work of the midwifery unit
plans and manages midwifery care services
delivers lectures and other forms of training in midwifery practice
Current entry requirements
A degree in midwifery is essential. Registered nurses can do a 12-18 month shortened course but graduates from other disciplines must undertake the full three or four-year degree programme. Entry to midwifery training without a degree or HND is also possible. Applicants must have a minimum of five GCSEs (or equivalent) and at least two A-levels (or equivalent) for degree programmes.
Percentage in work
Predicted employment status in 2022
Predicted employment levels in the East Midlands
Career related courses available at West Notts
About the statistics
Data is powered by LMI for All and is sourced from labour market statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Institute for Employment Research, the Department for Works and Pensions, and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.