Career spotlight
Chemical scientists
Average National Salaries (2022)
Age 20
Age 35
Age 50
Average salary in the East Midlands: £36,400
What does this career do?
Chemical scientists analyse and research physical aspects of chemical structure and change within substances and develop chemical techniques used in the manufacture or modification of natural substances and processed products.
Typical tasks
- develops experimental procedures, instruments and recording and testing systems
operates specialised scientific equipment and conducts experiments to identify chemical composition, energy and chemical changes in natural substances and processed materials
analyses results and experimental data
tests techniques and processes for reliability under a variety of conditions
develops procedures for quality control of manufactured products
Current entry requirements
Entrants usually possess a degree. Entry may also be possible with an appropriate BTEC/SQA award, an Advanced GNVQ/GSVQ Level III, or other academic qualifications. Further specialist training is provided on the job. Some employers may expect entrants to gain professional qualifications.
Percentage in work
Predicted employment status in 2022
Self Employed
Predicted employment levels in the East Midlands
Career related courses available at West Notts
About the statistics
Data is powered by LMI for All and is sourced from labour market statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Institute for Employment Research, the Department for Works and Pensions, and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.